Monday, February 16, 2009


Sometimes life doesn't go the way we had planned... right?! When Josh finished school we were so excited to move back to Idaho. We love being close to our family and friends. We fully expected Josh to find a job here. Well it has been almost 1 year now and our situation hasn't changed a whole lot. We are so discouraged, stressed, frustrated and pretty much beside ourselves. We had finally decided that perhaps we just weren't meant to be here. We had recently looked at Colorado as a possibility but as Josh was planning to head out they called and said everything wasn't working out the way they had hoped and it now wouldn't be ready till June! By this time Josh had already talked to every Optometrist from Pocatello to Jackson Hole! You can imagine our discouragement. Well the same day we got a call from a lady in Twin Falls for a job opening which we thought for sure was an answer to our prayers. To make a long story short we got the job. BUT the next several weeks proved to be even tougher than we expected. We visited Twin and tried to find a house and to our disappointment everything just wasn't working out. We were trying to be positive and optimistic but decided after many prayers, and fasting this wasn't something we wanted to jump into. In the end we turned down the offer and unpacked our home and though it seems like we just made a whole lot more chaos and work for ourselves we have been much more at ease, we still are trying to be patient and have faith that things will work out. We just have to be patient. The last year has been very trying and humbling. Josh has decided to keep trying to get some part time work around here, so he is pushing hard for more work with all the doctors in the area. Something just has to work out! We'll see....
So if my mind hasn't been on blogging its easy to understand why:)
On the up side Josh and I are closer than ever and our kids are keeping us pretty busy. They are growing like weeds. They change all the time and though I want to pull all my hair out some days, and wonder what it would it would be like to have a clean house, we sure can't imagine our lives any other way! We love and enjoy them so much! The other day Kierra was just saying the funniest stuff, so I thought I'd share.....

We were eating blueberries and I told the kids that they are so good for your bodies, well Kierra asks "why?" I told her all about their nutrition. So she says "If they are so good for our bodies when you were in the hospital having babies did people bring you lots of blueberries to eat so you'd get better?" All I could do was laugh, she always thinks things through so seriously.

The other day Rhett comes into the kitchen saying "Oh No" and he was holding a cotton swab with one end of the cotton gone. I knew earlier Brock had used it to clean out his ears and asked him if the cotton had gotten stuck in his ear. Well he says "yes" totally serious and then looks at me like now how the heck are we going to get it out of there, cause its an endless hole didn't you know. Kierra very calmly walks over to Brock and says "Well it looks like dad will have to use his magic tricks to get it out." All I could do was laugh. Again a simple solution. They believe Josh really uses magic when he pulls candy out of their ears. So if it works for candy it can surely work for cotton right?:)

You know how some days you just know its gonna be a day before you crawl out of bed? Well we are privileged to have these quite often. The waffle iron was the last straw of the day. I can't remember what happened from morning up to this point but by dinner time we thought we were done. For dinner I'd given a Rhett a refried bean burrito with sour cream, well I wish I had a picture to show you. It was everywhere imaginable. So we cleaned him up and put him on the floor. Well he gets mad and climbs up on to one of our kitchen chairs so that he can be up to the table with us,(keep in mind we have the extra tall chairs.) Of course he falls off on his head. We calm him down and try to continue eating and the next thing we know he has taken his diaper off, and while Josh is getting a new diaper, Brock says "Mom Rhett is spraying himself" I look over and he has managed to get past the elastic holding the cupboard shut and is spraying my Kitchen anti-bacterial cleaner in his face, luckily most was on his mouth and neck, so thankfully he missed burning his eyes, and his pacifier in his mouth kept him from drinking it. It gets even better. He runs into the room and hides under his crib and while Josh is pulling him out he pees on the floor. If he'd waited 5 more seconds we would have had a diaper on:) By this point Josh and I are beside ourselves! He had already pulled the waffle iron out earlier and it was still sitting on the floor. Well he comes out and picks it up and as I'm taking it away from him telling Josh "I better put this up before he breaks it too" I didn't notice his foot on the cord and it pulled it right back out of my hand and hit the floor hard breaking all over. So there were little sharp pieces of plastic everywhere. GO FIGURE! By this point I just started laughing and couldn't stop, Josh thought I was losing my mind. I guess you can only deal with so much before you go nutty! Like I've said before, there is never a dull moment around here!:)


Tina said...

I miss you guys! I would've loved to hear that story out in the "courtyard".

Rachel Hubbard said...

Oh Amber- I couldn't help but laugh through your story! Oh well, look on the upside, now you can shop around for a new waffle iron, and get a bigger one for your family, making waffle nights a whole lot easier! We think about you a lot. Miss you terribly. I had to explain to Jeffrey 4 times why Kierra and Brock couldn't come to his 5th birthday. He said, "lets go pick them up," and then said, "why did they have to move, I like Kierra." I'm just glad he still remembers you guys! I hope he never forgets what kind of friendship we had! Hopefully we'll end up in SLC this next year, because we'd love to see you! Take care!